Thursday, July 1, 2010

Home study draft!

April 21, 2010

Today we received the draft of our homestudy! It looks great, I provided some minor corrections and then our SW should be able to send it onto our agency for approval. We should have this finalized by next week and then we can submit our immigration paperwork. Wahoo!!! And then we wait.. hopefully, only til the middle of June or so. I'd really like to be DTC prior to the end of June... I think its very do-able at this point.

Final Social Worker Visit

April 19, 2010

We had our last visit with our social worker today... She let us know that our CT clearances are in!! Yay! She's planning to complete the draft this week (hopefully), then we'll review it, CCAI will review it, and then it can be finalized. Then we submit our I800A paperwork to USCIS along with a lovely gigantic fee, and we wait... Hopefully, not too long. Looking to be DTC (dossier to China) before the end of June and it looks like it really might happen!

Got everything we can so far

April 17, 2010

CCAI let us know that our employment letters look good.... so I've now officially gathered ALL the paperwork that I possibly can... the only other pieces needed are our home study, which (thanks to our amazing social worker who is speeding things along so we can get Jack home as soon as possible) will probably be complete by the end of the month and the I-797C from USCIS. I can't believe how quickly we were able to pull things together this time... :)

More progress

April 15, 2010

We received Adam's employment letter in the mail today... looks good to me. I'll send both of ours to CCAI for their approval before getting them notarized.
Also received my birth certificate back, complete with the fancy state seal. Now I need to send it off to the US Secretary of State and then to the Chinese Embassy in DC.


April 13, 2010

Our agency emailed today to let us know that they've received our Pre-Approval already! After only two days! Amazingly fast! Hopefully, the speed with which this came is a sign of things to come... there are so many little steps along the process, but if each moves as quickly as it can we may very well have Jack home before the end of the year.
We are now thrilled to begin sharing our news with more people... the girls can't wait to tell their friends and teachers. And we finally have permission to share photos... :)

Moving right along...

April 12, 2010

I took a stack of papers to get county certified today and will be sending them off to a courier to get them authenticated by NY state and then the Chinese consulate. Normally, we'd wait til closer to the end for this phase, but I am a total worrywart. Some of the Chinese consulates require that the medical documents be less than 6 months old in order to be authenticated... Adam's will hit 6 months on April 22nd. NY currently doesn't have this rule, but the last thing we'd want to do is wait until the end of this paperchase and then find out that NY now won't certify anything older than 6 months... given the wait times at our doctor's office, that would set us back 6 weeks or more to get Adam a new physical. I'm not taking any chances, so off these documents go.
The docs we've sent off are the 2 police clearance reports, 2 medical reports, Adam's birth certificate, and our marriage certificate.
Picked up my employment letter today at work... everything looks good!
We also found out today that our NY and FL child abuse clearances are in... now we're just waiting on CT. Unfortunately, CT tends to be one of the slower states, but hopefully it will be in by the end of the month. These clearances are required for our homestudy to be completed, and our homestudy is required before we can apply with USCIS (immigration) for our I800A - which results (after about 40 days and another round of fingerprints) in a piece of paper called the I-797C which is the final document required for our dossier before it can be sent to China. So right now, these CT clearances are a key part of us being able to bring Jack home as soon as possible... so lets hope they come in sooner rather than later.

First set of documents notarized

April 09, 2010

We headed down to the town clerk to get our first set of documents notarized. After having SO many notary issues with our last adoption, we finally found a notary who met all the requirements we needed... so instead of playing these games again, we headed straight back to her this time around. Nine documents down... four to go!

Two more documents complete

April 08, 2010

Last night I finished up our Adoption Petition and Financial statement for our dossier. Emailed to CCAI to get their approval before notarizing... thank goodness I did since I had a math error on the Financial Statement.... that's what I get for working on these at 1 in the morning.
I mailed off my Birth Certificate to be authenticated in its state of origin

Medical forms complete and approved

April 07, 2010

Today we picked up Adam's medical form. I was able to scan them in quickly and email them to CCAI for approval. Everything looks good! This process is so much less stressful knowing that we are getting our agency's seal of approval early in the process, rather than worrying about little errors which might cause us delays later on.
We've also typed up templates of our employment letters and have requested them from both our employers. This was a big hassle last time due to repeated notary issues, but this time, our agency allows us to notarize a copy so this whole process will be SO much easier. We will get the original letters, copy them, add a statement to the back of them which says we state that its a true copy of the original document, then WE sign it and get our signature notarized. This is a huge benefit! Especially for Adam's letter, since we won't have to deal with it being notarized in Florida and then needing to be authenticated in Florida. All these docs can be handled in NY. Yay!

Downloaded Dossier Guide

April 06, 2010

We got the email today from CCAI that we could now download their official dossier guide! The guide is nearly 50 pages of specific instructions on how to compile a dossier.... to put it into perspective, I think our previous agency gave us about 3 pages of instructions. CCAI leaves nothing to chance.
Let the paperchase begin in full force!
We stopped by the police station and got our criminal clearance letters for our dossier. This is the funniest step of the process, since our homestudy requires several levels of criminal clearances... FBI clearance complete with fingerprinting, child abuse clearances from multiple states, etc. Then for China, we need to go to our town's tiny little police department, and get a letter stating we have no criminal record in their jurisdiction. It just seems funny to me... Anyways, these forms have been sent off to the dossier department at CCAI and they've agreed that they look fine for the dossier. Two forms down, 11 to go!

CCAI application approved!

April 02, 2010

CCAI called today to say that our application was approved (not that we were worried, but again, I always think that anytime something must be approved that it can also be disapproved). Now we sign some more paperwork, submit our first fee, and then will get access to the website and the precious 'dossier guide'. :)

LOI submitted to CCAI

March 30, 2010

Today, we submitted our Letter Of Intent (LOI) to our agency. This is a letter which they will sent to China in which we address how we wish to adopt this child and our plans for handling his special need. Writing this letter a second time around is so much easier given that we are experienced with albinism. It was so nice to be able to write about all the services and resources we have in place for Leah and how our son will be able to benefit from them as well.
Once the LOI is sent, we then wait for our pre-approval (PA) which is the first level of China's approval of our adoption. Once we have PA, we will feel comfortable 'going public' with our news, but for now, we're keeping this super-quiet.

Application sent to CCAI

March 29, 2010

Good gosh, this agency is SO thorough. We just mailed in their 8 page application... CCAI tightly screens their families to make sure they are fully qualified to adopt from China.

Accepted Jack's Referral

March 25, 2010

Today, we emailed Pam at CCAI to let her know that we'd love to add this little boy into our family! CCAI tells you not to begin paperchasing until we download their dossier guide, but I'm too impatient to do nothing. We've already got our medical paperwork in the works... I just had a physical last week and Adam's physical from October is still going to be valid. We just needed to get some specific bloodwork done, and now wait for the office to fill out the paperwork. Our doctor's nurse, Linda, is a saint and is so sweet about taking care of this for us.
We've already got the paperwork from our homestudy agency, so we can start filling out the mountains of paperwork. We will go on Saturday to get fingerprinted for our criminal checks. We also need to get child abuse clearances from all the states we've lived in - thankfully, our HS agency handles ordering these, we just need to fill out the forms.
I also ordered certified copies our both of our birth certificates and our marriage certificate... three pieces of paper required for the dossier.