April 06, 2010
We got the email today from CCAI that we could now download their official dossier guide! The guide is nearly 50 pages of specific instructions on how to compile a dossier.... to put it into perspective, I think our previous agency gave us about 3 pages of instructions. CCAI leaves nothing to chance.
Let the paperchase begin in full force!
We stopped by the police station and got our criminal clearance letters for our dossier. This is the funniest step of the process, since our homestudy requires several levels of criminal clearances... FBI clearance complete with fingerprinting, child abuse clearances from multiple states, etc. Then for China, we need to go to our town's tiny little police department, and get a letter stating we have no criminal record in their jurisdiction. It just seems funny to me... Anyways, these forms have been sent off to the dossier department at CCAI and they've agreed that they look fine for the dossier. Two forms down, 11 to go!