Monday, September 13, 2010

Baby steps

Today our agency received our corrected LOA, with Jack's birthdate fixed. I rushed home on lunch to print this out, have Adam and I sign it, and then scan and emailed it to our officer at USCIS. She emailed me later today to let me know that our case is now on its way to the NVC (national visa center) which handles the cable to Guangzhou. So we're moving along, only experienced about three days delay with this incorrect LOA... I supposed I can't complain about that too much.

When I got home today, I saw that our I800 approval had arrived in the mail... I opened it up to verify the information was all correct and I saw that Jack's middle name was written without the umlaut. I hope that's intentional and not a problem... we'll find out tomorrow. In Chinese pinyin, Lu and Lü are two different words, so technically his name is incorrect. Uggh!

1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh, I seriously hope that does not cause problems. Hopefully they are used to this little differences?
